It's been a long time. Okay, a REALLY long time. Around a year and a half if we're going to be honest about it. I've failed miserably, I get it.
Initially I stopped blogging because I knelt on my laptop and smashed it, so I was lappy-less for 3 months. Then when I got a new one, I really had no excuse for my lack of blogging. Third year at uni got the better of me I guess. Constant essays, exams, and a severe lack of money. You know the drill.
I think it's time that I got back on the bandwagon. I used to love the whole taking pictures, uploading posts, browsing other blogs and getting some amazing ideas for things to do. Truth be told I'm just really nosy and love to see what people do and how!
I'm now in a completely different situation from before, which may add a different spin on things for my blog! For an update, I graduated from Cardiff University with a 2:1 in History and Sociology back in July and moved back to Bristol. No less than a week after my graduation I began my first proper job (as believe it or not working part time in Tesco just doesn't cut it for a steady income). But although I have a lot less time due to completely adulting, for once I actually have the money to be able to do and buy things, which makes life 10x easier and less stressful!
I'm not quite sure just how I'm going to play this, but I'm going to spend the next week or so planning ideas and getting organised so that I can hopefully create some fun content that I enjoy writing about. I've missed it too much!
This probably means a complete overhaul of my blog, so hold fire. Good things will be coming this way.
Alice x
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