Thursday, 2 February 2017

Things I Didn't Learn in January

So, throughout this past month I've been inundated with posts about how to stick to your New Year's resolutions, how to keep motivation, and how to generally to make sure that you start off 2017 in the best way possible. 

Truth be told - I've not taken any notice...whoops!

It's always been a 'thing' of mine not to make New Year's resolutions. I never stick to them, and I always beat myself up about it when I fall off the beaten track. So what's the point? Who says that because it's a New Year you need to make loads of sudden changes to your lifestyle?

We're now over one month in and although I have goals that I'm generally hoping to achieve over the next year, I'm really doing exactly the same thing that I was come the end of 2016 (enter sassy emoji). 

I'm still spending all of my money on clothes, makeup, trips and social events. I still don't go to the gym as much as I should.  I drink too much coffee. I still spend my time stalking people on Instagram and Youtube. I still never get enough sleep. And despite eating healthy I can't help but give in to a sneaky packet of crisps every now and again.

But you know what? I'm cool with that. 

In a grand scheme of full time job land, I have little energy left come the end of the day and I'd rather spend that time with my friends doing fun things than slaving daily in the gym. As long as I go at least 1-2 times a week its still more than I was doing. 

I like being able to afford nice things for the first time. Being a student was hard, but I'm enjoying being financially sound. I also shouldn't feel too guilty as I've paid off my student overdraft. 

And I think it's fine that I'm giving in to occasional cravings. I'd feel so restricted if I didn't and at least it stops me going crazy!

New Year doesn't necessarily mean you need to have a new 'me'. Minor adjustments and baby steps mean its easier for you to love what you're doing for yourself. Plus if it's sustainable you'll build any changes up over the year instead of falling at the first hurdle. Anything is better than nothing, you've just gotta keep working on it!

Alice x

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